Mission Statement
The purpose of the Parents Council is to provide a structure through which the Parents/Guardians of Ballindaggin N.S. can work together to provide a healthy social environment and the best possible education for their children.The Parents’ Association forms an integral part of our school community and a dedicated committee works hard throughout the year. Each parent of a child enrolled in the school is automatically a member of the PA and the active participation of a large number of parents is necessary to maintain the level of parental support our school so desperately needs.
The PA is fully affiliated to the National Parents Council (Primary) and it works in three main areas:
- Organising fundraising events for the school
- Supporting the school’s fundraising efforts, for example providing refreshments at the Christmas Concert, helping with raffles and other school events.
Assisting and enhancing the pupil’s school experience
- Organising welcome events for new pupils to the school
- Providing support/organisational input to major school events, e.g. Easter Egg Hunt, Christmas Santa Visit etc.
- Helping to organise and supervise extracurricular activities such as the annual Litter Pick.
Encouraging a sense of community and friendship between families
- Maintaining communication with all parents
- Organising information/social events for new parents to the school
- Arranging talks on topics of interest to parents, e.g. guest speaker on parenting/discipline, internet safety etc.
- Channelling parent’s views on school policy issues to the school Principal and Board of Management.
Meetings are held termly and notification will be sent to parents via Aladdin Connect and the PA newsletter.
All are welcome.
If you’re worried about your child at school or you have a complaint about the school, please follow our Parental Complaints Procedure which is available under the policies section of our website.
Please do not direct your complaints to the Parents Council or the PA WhatsApp Group.
For advice and to arrange a meeting with a member of staff or the school principal to discuss your concerns, please talk to Betty in the office.