School Hours

Children are not permitted onto school grounds before the school gates are opened by a member of staff.

The school will open to receive pupils at 9.00 a.m. The school yard will be supervised from 8.45 a.m. No responsibility can be accepted for children arriving before that time. 

School commences at 9.00 a.m each morning and finishes at 1.40 p.m (Junior & Senior Infants) & 2.40 p.m for all other classes.

All Junior & Senior Infants finish school at 1.40 p.m each day and must be collected at that time.

Junior Infants should be dropped at the school gate as this helps foster independence and allows the children time to play and form friendships. The Junior Infant teacher will meet them at the gate for the first few mornings until they settle in.

In the case of children travelling to school by bus, the school cannot accept responsibility for their early arrival or escorting them from the bus.

Parents are requested to advise the class teacher when they are unable to collect their child and to have arranged for another person to do so.

Emergency Closures:

The safety of the children is of primary importance at all times. We have a text line in the school which allows us to text you if necessary. In the event of an emergency closure (e.g. no heat, no water, etc.) the decision to close the school will be taken by the Board of Management at the earliest possible time so as to maximise notice to parents/guardians.

We ask that you ensure the school has an up to date contact number on which you can be quickly contacted on.