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Christmas Closure


Dear Parent/Guardian,

School will close early tomorrow Wednesday December 22nd for the Christmas holidays.

Junior and Senior Infants will be the first class available for collection at 11.50am.

All other classes will be dismissed in the normal class by class fashion at 12pm.

School will reopen for all pupils on Thursday 6th January 2022.

We thank you for your support over the past year and look forward to working with you all once more in 2022 to provide your child with the best possible education that we can provide.

All the staff at Ballindaggin NS hope that you and your families have a very happy and safe Christmas.

Kind regards,

Conor Mc Donald


Communication from HSE

Dear Parent/Guardian,

The HSE has asked schools to send the following information onto parents.

COVID-19 vaccine information for parents of children aged 5-11

The HSE has published detailed information and guidance for parents about COVID-19 vaccines for children aged 5-11. This aims to help parents and guardians of 5-11 year old children make an informed decision when it’s time for their child to be offered a COVID-19 vaccine.


Registration for the vaccine will open shortly, with priority being placed on children who are more at risk from COVID-19 or children who have a high-risk person in the family. Parents and guardians can read this information on  or they can download these information booklets from


Important information for parents and guardians about the COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5-11 (Comirnaty, Pfizer/BioNTech) (PDF, size 1.11 MB, 16 pages)

Important information for parents and guardians about the COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5-11 (Irish) (PDF, 1.7 MB, 16 pages)

School Extension

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As many of you are aware our school received the go ahead to build two new stand-alone classrooms a number of years ago.

Due to many unforeseen matters the delivery of the project was held up for quite some time.

We received good news from  our Design Team recently.

They have informed us that our project will be put out for tender on January 7th 2022 and tenders will be returned by Feb 4th 2022.

This is a big step in moving the project towards completion.

After the tender process has taken place we will contact you again regarding the school building project with any further updates.

Kind regards,

Conor Mc Donald

Storm Barra Emergency Closure

Dear Parent/Guardian,

The Department of Education have issued the following statement instructing all schools affected by red and orange weather warnings to close tomorrow:

“Met Éireann has advised that there is a strong possibility that the status of parts of these counties currently in status orange are likely to change and escalate to status red.

Due to the significant nature of Storm Barra, as forecast by Met Éireann and to give sufficient notice to schools and parents/guardians, the Department is advising that all schools covered by the Red Alert and Orange warning from Met Éireann should not open tomorrow, 7 December.”

Therefore Ballindaggin NS will not be open tomorrow.

Please stay safe.

Update re Face Coverings

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We were delighted to see so many of our 3rd – 6th class pupils wearing their masks in school over the past three days. 

Thank you to our pupils and to you, their parents, for your cooperation and support with the recent recommendation.

We are awaiting further clarification from the Department of Education regarding the recommendation of mask wearing for children in 3rd to 6th Class. And as soon as any more information comes we will inform you.

We have spoken to 3rd to 6th Class pupils regarding face masks, why they have been asked to wear them and have taught them some mask etiquette over the past three days. If your child is wearing a mask in school we would ask that you also send in a small zip lock bag or small lunch box for them to store their mask in during play time and eating time. It may also be useful to send in a spare mask or two just incase one becomes damp, soiled or the straps break.

Attached is a poster that the Department of Education have sent us. You may find it useful in talking to your child about the correct way way to wear and handle their face mask while in school.

Kind regards,

Conor Mc Donald 

Face Covering for Primary Pupils

Mask Wearing in Third – Sixth Class

Late yesterday evening (5.30pm) we received a set of guidelines from the Department of Education, informing us that it is now a requirement for Third to Sixth Class children to wear masks to school. As this was very short notice for parents, children and staff, we will be seeking further details on the attached letter in the coming days and have been advised by the IPPN (Irish Primary Principals Network) to await clarity and consult with our Board of Management before we implement these guidelines.

We also received a letter at (8.15pm) from the Chief Medical Officer, Dr Tony Holohan which we have been instructed to send to all parents. This letter is also attached to this message so that you can read it in your own time. It is also available on our school website.

I want to reassure all parents and children that everyone is welcome to our school today as normal (with our without masks). We will make further contact with you when we have received more information and have a clear plan of action.

Thank you for your understanding,

Conor Mc Donald


CMO Letter to schools FINAL_

Guidance on the use of face coverings in Primary schools