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Welcome Back.

We welcome all children and staff back after the Christmas Holiday and wish you every blessing for 2016.

As the weather has become quite cold we remind you to ensure that all children wear a coat to school each day. As long as it is fine children will be going to the yard at break times for fresh air and exercise.


Parent’s Council AGM

Parent’s Council AGM

Parent’s Council AGM will take place in the school on Monday September 28th at 8pm.

The purpose of the Parents Council is to provide a structure through which the Parents/Guardians of the school can work together to provide a healthy social environment and the best possible education for their children.

This is your group and gives you a voice in your Child’s education.

We look forward to seeing you all there.


Follow Us on Twitter!

Follow Us on Twitter!
September 20th, 2015

Each Class is now using  Twitter.

Please follow us to keep up with all we are doing here at St. Colman’s.

Ms. Wickham’s Junior Infants: @JIstcolmansns

Ms. Brooks’ Senior Infants: @SIstcolmansns

Ms. Doran’s Rang 1: @R1stcolamnsns

Ms. Ring’s Rang 1: @R2stcolamnsns

Ms. Whitty’s Rang 3 & 4: @R34stcolmansns

Mr. McDonald’s Rang 5 & 6: @R56stcolmansns

Parent’s Information Evening

Parent’s Information Evening
September 20th, 2015

Parent’s Information Evening takes place on Monday September 21st.

Mr. Murphy and Ms. Kennedy will address all parent’s at 7pm on general school policies, procedures and organisational matters.

Following this Class teachers will give a short presentation in their classrooms outlining the curriculum for the year and giving information on Homework, PE Days etc. You will also have the opportunity to meet with the teacher  if you have any comments, concerns or queries.

7pm All Parents with Ms. Kennedy & Mr. Murphy

7.20pm Junior Infants – Ms. Wickham & Senior Infants Ms. Brooks

7.35 Ms. Doran Rang 1

7.50 Ms Ring Rang 2

8.05 Ms. Whitty Rang 3 & 4

8.20 Mr. McDonald Rang 5 & 6

We look forward to meeting you all.

Speech and Drama with Elaine Jordan

Speech and Drama with Elaine Jordan
August 31st, 2015
Speech and Drama classes will resume in Ballindaggin Community Hall on Tuesday 15th of September. These classes are not only fun but are also designed to encourage confidence, communication and creativity, skills which will benefit students all through their lives. Over the year students will have the opportunity to take part in public performances, drama festivals and Speech and Drama exams. New members are very welcome.
Please call Elaine Jordan (B.A., L.R.I.A.M.) 086 1691040 for more details.
Drop-off and Pick-up
August 29th, 2015

We ask that you take great care during Drop-off and Pick-up times at the school.

We ask that you take great care during Drop-off and Pick-up times at the school.

With the increased number of families we must always be vigilant and ensure the safety of both children and adults.

Consider dropping off the children and moving away to facilitate others.
If you are parking please do so away from the school gates and drop off point.
Consider using the Mass Path which has been upgraded by the local Development Association for those children who can enter school independently.
And for those children old enough, independent and close enough to the school why not walk or cycle?

Remember the safety of our children is a priority for all of us.

Welcome Back

Welcome Back
August 29th, 2015

We would like to welcome everyone back to school after the summer holidays.

We also welcome our 23 new Junior Infants as they begin their formal school careers, the new pupils who have joined us up the school and the new members of staff.

Class Allocation for School Year 2015/16 is as follow:

Junior Infants: Ms. Wickham

Senior Infants: Ms. Brooks

First Class: Ms. Doran

Second Class: Ms. Ring

Third/Fourth Class: Ms Whitty

Fifth/Sixth Class: Mr. McDonald

Support Teachers: Ms. Kennedy & Mr. Murphy

Shared Support Teacher: Ms. Doyle
Calendar 2015/16
June 26th, 2015

2015 16 Calendar