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School Closure Due To Heating Failure

As you are aware,the  school has been forced to close on two days this week due to the failure of the heating system.

As part of the Building Extension Works we highlighted the age and state of the boiler to the Dept. of Ed and Skills in September 2015 and sought funding for a new boiler. Despite representation on our behalf by public representatives to the Dept. this funding has still not been granted and the official response from the DESS is that our application is “under active consideration”.

During the course of the last week a leak from the boiler was noticed. The DESS was informed of this on Friday. They insisted that we needed a Consultant Engineer to carry out an assessment of the boiler in order that we could apply for Emergency Funding. On Saturday we were advised that switching on the boiler may be a health and safety risk to children and staff. On Monday, a Consultant Engineer appraised the situation and alerted the DESS immediately. We have been given verbal sanction to install a new boiler.

Meanwhile we have sourced the only possible alternative heating system for the school which is run on electricity. The school has a basic electricity supply which is unable to run the number of heaters needed to heat the school to  minimum requirements.

Currently, our engineer is attempting to source a suitable boiler; this may need to be imported. Once this has been acquired the boiler must then be installed. Following this it needs to be run to test the heating system for damage done due to the fault in the old boiler.

As you will appreciate, if the school does not meet minimum heating requirements tomorrow Wednesday March 9th we will be forced to close until after the Easter Holiday.

The Board of Management will meet on Thursday  to discuss the developing situation. We will keep you informed of any changes.

We appreciate your ongoing understanding and cooperation.

On behalf of the Board of Management.

Parent Survey on Irish in St. Colman’s N.S.

survey-clipart-onlinesurveyAs part of the ongoing School Self-Evaluation here in St. Colman’s N.S. we are seeking your, the parents’, views, opinions and ideas on Irish. Please follow the link below to Survey Monkey where you will be asked to answer 10 questions.

Your views are important to us and will help to inform and shape school policy going forward.

If you are unable to access the survey directly through the link please copy and paste the address below into your web browser.

Survey closes on Frday March 11th 2016.