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Ballindaggin NS Fun Run

Active School Week takes place in school from June 6th to June 9th this year. We have lots of fun activities planned for classes this year.

As part of our Active School Week we will host a timed 5km run/walk at 7pm on Tuesday June 6th starting and finishing at the school.

We encourage all pupils and parents to participate in this event. There will be cash prizes on the night for first adult male, first adult female and first child across the finish line. There will also be a number of medals for other children on the night.

Registration will take place on the evening of June 6th at a cost of €5 per adult and €2 per child.

All funds raised will go towards the betterment of resources within our school.

Looking forward to seeing those of you that can make it.

Marathon Kids


Our 6th Class pupils recently completed the Marathon Kids program in conjunction with Sports Active Wexford.

Over an 8 week period the class ran various distances each day that all added up to 26.2 miles total.

They received medals and t-shirts for their efforts and got to meet Irish Olympian and Marathon Kids ambassador David Gillick.