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Christmas Carol Service

Just a reminder that our Christmas Carol Service is taking place Thursday next December 21st at 7pm in the Church. Children do not need to wear school uniform. Instead we ask that they dress appropriately for the occasion (no tracksuits or hoodies) and if they have a Christmas jumper to don it for the night. This year we ask that Santa hats, antlers and other head gear are left at home.
All the children are looking forward to the night and we hope that you enjoy our performances.
We will do our best to be finished by 7.45pm
Everyone in attendance is reminded that any images taken must be for private use only and we ask for any photos taken not to be put on the web otherwise Data Protection legislation may be contravened.

Road Safety/Traffic Concerns

Due to increasing concern expressed by members of our school community regarding road safety outside the school, especially at drop off and pick-up time Mr.Mc Donald recently met with local elected councillors and representatives from Wexford County Council to discuss a possible traffic management plan for the road outside of the school. We are currently awaiting another visit from Wexford County Council to further discuss this possibility and assess the situation.

In the meantime we would like to remind parents that it is their responsibility to ensure their child reaches the school gate safely.  The school cannot take responsibility for directing traffic on the public road. Please drive responsibly paying particular attention while reversing out of parking spaces.