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Active School Flag Outdoor & Adventure 2017/18

As part of our Active School Flag renewal efforts in St. Colman’s we have decided to focus on the Outdoor and Adventure strand of the Curriculum. As well as map reading, orienteering and trails we will be teaching/learning fundamental movement skills such as walking and running.

During the months of February and March, our Active School Leader students will coordinate a Playground Game of the Month. These games have been designed to help the children develop proficient walking and running techniques.

ASF Yard Leaders assisting Junior Infants

Child Protection

On December 11th 2017 new Child Protection Procedures were implemented for all primary and post-primary schools in line with Children First.

This has brought about some changes to the way schools deal with child protection issues.

To facilitate the training of all staff in these new child protection procedures all primary schools are entitled to take two half days to participate in online and offline material.

As our new Child Safety Statement and Risk Assessment must be in place by March 11th 2018 and because the online material has only just been made available St. Colman’s NS will close at 12:00pm on Wednesday February 21st and 28th to facilitate training and the formulation of the Child Safety Statement and Risk Assessment.

Links to Children First and the relevant circular can be found below for anyone interested in further reading.

We thank everyone for their cooperation with this.


Flu information for parents

As per HSE guidelines we are asking that you do NOT send your child to school if they have flu like symptoms. Thank you and please click on the link below for more information.


‘ Keep your child at home and away from others as much as is possible to avoid spreading infection to others. If they are sick with flu they should stay home for 5 days from the onset of symptoms. ‘ (HSE Guidelines)


FAQ for parents flu revised 26072017 v1.5 (1)