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Green Flag

As you may know our whole school community has been working hard towards it’s fourth Green Flag this year and last.

We can now tell you that everyone’s efforts have been rewarded as the school has been awarded it’s fourth Green Flag for Travel.

A massive congratulations and thank you to everyone from the school community that participated in walking to school, car pooling, cycling and park & stride.

A particularly big thank you and congratulations to Miss Brooks who has coordinated all the efforts of the Green School Committee and Green School Activities over the last number of years.

Well done all and keep up the park and stride and walking to school.

Conor Mc Donald



Huge well done to our four 6th Class pupils who recently participated in the semi-finals of the ECO UNESCO Young Environmentalist competition in Dublin. A big thank you to Ms. Whitty too who organised and coordinated the entry and lead and coached the girls in the setting up of their projects and presentations. We are awaiting the results to see will the girls make the final. Fingers crossed!!

Cyber Bullying Survey

As part of a 5th/6th Class project on Cyber bullying we are asking 4th, 5th and 6th class students to complete a survey on their use of the internet. The survey is anonymous and it will take about 2 minutes to complete. Our literacy support students will analyse the data when all students have responded and present their findings to the senior classes before Easter.


Please copy and paste this link and use the password given to students in class to complete the survey:


Thank you!

School Closed

Ballindaggin NS will remain closed until further notice due to poor weather and road conditions.


A text was sent this morning at 7.25am communicating the school closure. However, the Text a Parent system may be under pressure and texts may be slow to deliver.


Please follow the school twitter feed for updates as they happen.


Thank you.