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Draft Admission Policy

Dear parent/guardian,

Under the Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018 every school in the country is required to have in place an Admission Policy. This policy must be sent to the school patron, in our case the Bishop of Ferns, by April 30th of this school year for their approval. 

In formulating the admission policy the board of management is required to consult with parents, as well as school staff, for their feedback. To this effect please find below a link to a draft policy for our school. If you wish to you can read it and if you would like to give some feedback please email it to 

Ballindaggin National School Draft Admission Policy

Thank you,

Conor Mc Donald


Recommended Learning Activities Week 2 Covid-19 Closure

Good morning,

We hope that all the children and families in our school community are safe and well at this moment in time.

Please find below a set of links to the recommended learning activities for your child/children’s class for this week.

As we have said from the beginning these are suggested activities only so please pick and choose as you deem appropriate.

If you can please continue to send pictures of your work to your teacher via the email address they sent to you on Aladdin last week as we really enjoy hearing from you and seeing everything that you are getting up to.

Let us hope that if we all play our part this current situation will pass sooner rather tan later.

I would like to take this opportunity to ask everyone to take a moment to think of and show their appreciation for the members of our school and wider community who are currently on the front line in hospitals and other areas of the workforce. They are doing a fantastic job and we hope that they stay safe while keeping all the rest of us safe and well too.

Stay home, stay well and stay active.

Kind regards,

Mr. Mc Donald

4th Class Maths Worksheet

5th Class Maths Worksheet

Eleathanach 345

Recommended Learning Activities Mrs. Meaghers Class

Recommended Learning Activities for Mr.Mc Donalds Class

Recommended Learning Activities for Ms.Brook’s Class

Recommended Learning Activities Ms. Bridge’s Class

Recommended Learning Activities Ms. Nimmo’s Class

Recommended Learning Activities Ms. Swaines Class


Recommended Activities for Children During the Current School Closure

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Please find links below to some recommended learning activities that you might like to carry out with your children at home during the current school closure.

These are the same activities that you will have received via the school  Aladdin Connect app.

It might be easier for you to view these activities by following the links below rather than on your phone. You  also have the option of logging onto Aladdin Connect online if you have access to a laptop or computer. Again this might make it easier to view some of the recommended activities.

As we have mentioned already these are only recommended activities. Please do not feel that they all need to be completed. Children do not need to spend hours at home doing school work.

Do not worry if you cannot print worksheets or follow some of the links in the recommended activities. Children will catch up on work when school reopens.

During the current uncertain times the health and safety, both physical and mental, of you and your family take precedent over any of the learning activities so please use your discretion.

Stay home, stay safe and stay active.

Kind regards,

Mr. Mc Donald

Recommended activities for Ms. Mimmo’s Class

Recommended activities for Ms. Bridge’s Class

Recommended activities for Mr. Mc Donald’s Class

Eleathanach for Mrs. Meagher’s Class

Recommended activities for Mrs. Meagher’s Class

Recommended activities for Ms. Swaine’s Class

Recommended activities for Ms. Brook’s Class

RDS Primary Science Fair 2020

Our 6th class were lucky enough to be accepted into the RDS Primary Science Fair with their project ‘Feed the Birds’ which concentrated on increasing the number and variety of birds visiting our school grounds. The class investigated the effect that weather and temperature had on the number of birds visiting the school grounds, the effect that the time of day had on the number of birds visiting the feeders and they also investigated what type of food attracts what type of bird. The project had great benefits to the biodiversity of our school grounds. Check out the pictures of the day in the RDS.

Christmas 2019

We had a fantastic final day of 2019 in school on Friday 20th of December. Check out the pictures of Santa and Mrs. Claus visiting all the classes as well as the Parents Association and a few other visitors that turned up along the way. All the boys and girls got to dress up for a photobooth too. It was great fun and a huge word of thanks to our Parents Association for organising it all. Go raibh mile maith agaibh go léir. Nollaing Shona gach duine!!


Mindful Monday

Today is the third Monday of the month and so it is the launch of ‘Mindful Monday’ in Ballindaggin NS.

Every third Monday of the month will be a night free of homework. Instead of sitting down to do homework together we are encouraging every family to engage in an activity, as a family, that promotes positive mental health and mindfulness.

We couldn’t have a better day for the start of this than today as the weather is so nice it is perfect to get out for a family walk.

If you are stuck for ideas there is a new area on the school website that lists example activities e.g. baking together, doing a jigsaw together. And, if you have any ideas yourselves please feel free to contact us and we can add them to our list.

We are also encouraging you to make this a technology free evening so no phones, TV, X-box etc However, if you so wish you can take a photo of your children engaging in a mindful activity and post it to our Twitter feed (This will allow them to show their class what they did.)

Each child, particularly in the senior end of the school will have a small activity the Tuesday after each mindful Monday based on the activity that they engaged in with their family e.g. recording it in their copy.

Please take this opportunity to encourage your child/children to take some time to relax and enjoy some down time.

Thank you