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Recommended Learning Activities Week 8 Covid -19 Closure

Hi all,

I hope everyone is keeping well.  Time is flying by and it is hard to believe that we are almost into the month of June. All our staff are delighted to see the engagement of the kids during the past week.  The teachers love to see all the hard work you are doing so please keep sending in the photos of your work and what you are getting up to.

I know that some of you may be struggling to keep children motivated the longer this goes on and especially with the nice weather outside. The policy in our school is that we do not assign homework during the month of June due to the good weather and to allow children to get outside and enjoy it. Also during the month of June in school we place more emphasis on getting outside to do nature walks, outdoor lessons, sports days, school tours etc. With this in mind. It is our intention to place a greater emphasis on different topics in the coming weeks such as School Tour Week and sports day/week which we hope will help in improving motivation levels for the kids.

The suggested work for the coming week is below and as usual do not feel under any obligation to complete all of it.  Next weekend is the June Bank Holiday so there will be no work next Monday.

Looking forward to seeing more great work this week,

Conor Mc Donald


Mr. Mc Donald Week 8

Mrs. Meagher Week 8

Ms. Brooks Week 8

Ms. Nimmo Week 8

Ms. Swaine Week 8

Recommended Learning Activities Week 5 Covid-19 Closure

Good morning everyone,

I hope that you got to enjoy the May Bank Holiday weekend in some form with your family.

Below are the recommended learning activities for each class for this week.

Remember that any work you complete can be sent to the class teacher via email.

Eleathanach Mrs. Meagher Mrs. Meagher week 5

Activity Sheets Week 5 Ms. Bridges Ms. Bridges week 5

Ms. Swaine Week 5

Ms. Nimmo week 5

Mr. Mc Donald Week 5

Ms. Brooks Week 5


Recommended Learning Activities Week 4 Covid – 19 Closure

Hello everyone,

It is hard to believe that the Month of May and the season of summer are nearly upon us!

Please find links to this weeks activities below.

Mr Mc Donald’s Class

Mrs. Meagher’s Class

Ms. Brook’s Class

Ms. Nimmo’s Class

Ms. Bridge’s Class

Ms. Swaine’s Class 

I really want to emphasise to you that these weekly plans do not have to be fully or even partially completed if it does not suit your family situation. If you and your child/children spend the day outside in the garden, cooking, cleaning, playing and do not get any of the activities done at all that is ok too.

We are not comparing the activities that different children are doing as we know and understand that each family situation is different. I want to reassure you that if you are unable to do the activities your child will not be at a disadvantage. They will not fall behind. They will not need to repeat a class. The activities we are sending out are to give structure to the day and to keep minds thinking.

Our teachers are receiving emails from families planting vegetable gardens, there is lots of baking happening, farming, building in the garden, learning to cycle a bike, watching documentaries on Netflix and YouTube amongst many other things. So much learning happens in all of those activities.

So please don’t feel guilty if you cannot do all or any of the recommended activities and do not be worried about your child’s learning.

Kind regards,

Conor Mc Donald

Recommended Learning Activities Week 3 Covid-19 Closure

Hello everyone,

Please find the links below to this weeks recommended work for each of our classes.

We really hope that school opens up again soon and we can see you all.

Until that happens please try your best to keep reading and learning a little, be helpful and cooperative around the home for your parents and siblings, stay active outside and rest assured that everything will be ok and things will return to normal in time.

We look forward to hearing from some of you again this week.

Stay positive,

Mr. Mc Donald

Links to Activities

Suggested Ideas for all Classes – some ideas that can be carried out as a family

Recommended Activities Week 3 Ms. Swaine

Recommended Activities Week 3 Ms. Bridges

Senior Infants Revision Sheets

Recommended activities Week 3 Ms. Nimmo

Recommended Work Week 3 Ms Brooks

Recommended Work Week 3 Mrs. Meagher

Eleathanach Mrs. Meagher

Recommended Work Week 3 Mr. Mc Donald

Class Worksheets Mr. Mc Donald