Seven members were in attendance apologies from Joan Nolan.
The Board thanked former Principal Frank Murphy for his hard work during his tenure in St. Colman’s and welcomed the Acting Principal Conor Mc Donald.
Building update: Planning was granted in December 2016 with the condition to provide ‘parking space for staff and sufficient set down area for cars during drop off and collection times.’ However the amount that the Dept. of Education will provide for the building of the two classrooms will not cover the cost of such a car park. The Board is continuing to work with our architects for the building of the two classroom extension.
Parents Association were thanked for their hard work last year and the new committee were welcomed by the Board who look forward to working together with them this school year.
It is hoped that the outdoor toilets in the school yard will be upgraded during the midterm break.
Interactive Whiteboards and laptops within the school will begin to be replaced and upgraded during this school year.